tree service nashville tn

Caring For Fruit Trees: 5 Useful Tips

tree service nashville tn

At the end of August, most of the shoots in the orchard stop growth, and at the end of the growth, the final bud appears. In the sinuses also begin to denote the kidneys. If at this moment to conduct additional feeding and periodically water the trees, then it is possible to cause the active formation of flower buds, and in the next year to get a good harvest. tree service nashville tn offer several pieces of advice on the care of fruit trees, which will help prepare them for the fall.

  1. Install the supports

August is the time of fruit ripening in the garden, but if the crop is large, this can damage the trees. To help the branches hold a considerable additional weight of ripening fruits, it is necessary to put supports strong Y-shaped stakes, which are also called channels. First of all, set up the supports under the most loaded branches of the trees of summer varieties, and, as you harvest, transfer them first to the autumn, and then to winter varieties. Do not forget to check whether the supports are securely under the branches and, if necessary, correct their position or install additional ones. Props can be made by hand. Take a wooden pole with a height of 2 m, pointed at the base. At the top, cut in the form of a gutter, the depth of which should be such that the branch fits tightly in it and does not jump out during the wind.

  1. Add feed

To make the trees winter better, it is recommended to feed them with phosphate-potassium fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied at the rate of 20-25 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium chloride per 1 square meter. Fertilizers need to be evenly scattered on the surface.

  1. Blanch the trees

To prepare a bucket of the mixture for whitewashing, take: 4 parts of clay, 1 part of fresh mullein, 1 part of ash and dilute it all with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream, add urea. Whitewashing such a mixture, with the addition of ash, will protect the tree from diseases and pests. Also, it is a kind of foliar feeding. The mixture applied to the trunk of the tree lasts for a long time, and while soaking in the rain, it gives off bark nutrients.

  1. Protect trees from pests

High temperatures in August can trigger hatching of third generation codling moth larvae. Then, too, will have to handle the autumn and winter varieties of apple trees. The moth can damage plum fruits, but it makes sense to use chemicals in August in this case, if there are a lot of fallen fruits.

  1. Stub dry trees

By the end of August, dead and hopeless trees, which will have to be uprooted, are visible. To do this, first remove the above-ground part of the tree, leaving stumps. Then you can dig up skeleton roots for half a meter from the stump and chop them up. In August, the gardener has a lot of trouble, but most of them are pleasant: picking apples, pears, cherry plums, plums and peaches and the more work and love you put into your offspring, the more abundant the harvest will be.