IT Security

Information technology news

IT security news is the news related to the security of the information technology,and in the today’s world which is fast-paced and competitive, there is a lot of choice and the options for the decision to be taken. Even the customers or the clients they do not rely only on one single brand for they had done once in a while, so they look upon the updates of all the cybersecurity news to get sufficient knowledge, and most of us are giving their priority to the technology which is advanced and which is providing the best protection through safeguarding all the personal info that has been shared or supplied on the internet. So, by this, they are getting engaged to the internet or the web and keeping themselves updated. So, there are many IT Security news and the cybersecurity news articles in the flow.Cybersecurity plays and crucial role in helping information technology news to be

EthiHak contest

Of one of the stories that are going through in the present scenario is the EthiHak 2k19 and this is the contest for the hackers,and it is going to be held in Greece in the month of this April. So, it is the time for getting registered to it before it gets closed. There is a possibility for the hackers, security researchers, real fans, professionals as well as the non-professionals for getting into the competition and compete against the vital goals which are multiple and finally the ability testing. In addition to all of this, we have the hope that the EthiHak is going to contribute to the awareness of the public about the threats in the present world and which are the modern threats.

The information will also be given about the security gaps but also the ones which are used by the hackers for bypassing the security systems. It is very much worth taking into note that the participants or the contestants will have the ability for the competition as the so-called units and not like the teams. Own computer is necessary to bring to the game for participation in the contest,and this should not be forgotten at all. The match EthiHak 2091 is going to be the one with full of twists energy and also turns along with many surprises on the go!

IT Security


For the process of the registration, all the details which are provided should be the valid ones while registering yourself to the contest so that the administrators will accept all the details. After the details are checked the process of the registration then gets approved by them,and the user name gets displayed on the scoreboard of the portal. If you want to build up a career in the same, there are lot many options available as you can get. You can sign up for the recordings for the EthiHak contest 2019,and this is updated news by the SecNews on fifteenth of March 2019.So, get set go for the game to happen in the Infocom security conference this year and be among the top ten for the national team to provide the training.